Royal Apartments
Watch the story of one of KW Hotel's clients.
Integrate SmartApartment with KWHotel and automate your service process, from check-in to communication and information transfer. Turn your apartments into a service-free experience.
SmartApartment benefits:
- Automatic delivery of messages and instructions to Guests
- Remote check-in card that collects real data of your Guests
- Efficient communication with Guest via WhatsApp and Chat Online
- Sending bulk messages to all or specific groups of your Guests
- Dedicated app for apartment maintenance - quickly pass information, for example, about extra cleaning or an emergency to the appropriate person
Regular price:from 8 € apartment / mo.
Price with KWHotell:
from 5 € apartment / mo.

We serve in Poland
6 000
- apartments in cooperation with e.g.
We serve the world
50 000
- apartments in cooperation with e.g.
We serve in Poland
6 000
- apartments in cooperation with e.g.
We serve the world
50 000
- apartments in cooperation with e.g.
Digital Guidebook
Save up to 160 hours of front desk work and avoid printing.
You gain:
- Relieve the front desk of repetitive questions
- Sell more through an intuitive and clear presentation of your offerings
- Application without an app - directly on the Guest's smartphone
- Update information - in a simple and intuitive panel, it will take you a minute at most to change it
- Start selling add-on offers before the guest arrives - send a link to the Guidebook in automated welcome emails from KWHotel
Regular price:from 99 € / month
Price with KWHotel:
from 50 € / month
Free for 7 days

*lowest hourly rate is 12 €/hour.
Examples of our clients' Digital Guidebooks

Digital Guidebook with communication
and remote check-in
Communicate with Guests, collect contact information and sell more!
You get everything that you get in the Digital Guidebook plus in addition:
- Communication with Guest via WhatsApp, SMS, Email, Online Chat and more
- Upselling of services through bulk marketing content mailing
- Remote check-in for Guests without additional apps
- Access to Guests' real contact information
- Integration with PMS KWHotel
Regular price:from 1 € room / monthly
Price with KWHotel:
from 0,5 € room / monthly
Minimum amount for the bundle: 50 € / monthly
Wznieś poziom obsługi Gości na najwżyszy poziom dzięki pełnej automatyzacji.
- Wszystko to, co w pakiecie SmartChat
- Integracja z PMS KWHotel
Regularna cena:od 999 zł / miesięcznie
Cena z KWHotel:
od 799 zł / miesięcznie

Hundred of properties truested us

Provide your Guests with the experience they deserve.
Offer in your hotel or apartment a new dimension of widely of communication between your staff and your guests.